A note for developers

If you're building something that could make use of the data on the website and you need access to the public API, please get in touch with me on X . I'm looking for a small cohort of developers to test things out with before I open it up to everyone. I'm also looking for feedback on the API and the website in general. If you're building something cool with the data, I'd love to hear about it.


This website allows you to find the best (or worst) performing stocks and cryptocurrencies over any time range. You can use the date picker to select a custom time range and the website will rank the assets by their returns over that time period. The website is free to use and does not require any sign-up. If you find it useful, please consider sharing it with your friends and family or on social media. Use the hyperlink above to contact me if you have any feedback or want a specific symbol added to the website.

Some small quirks

You might have noticed some small quirks with the website. For example, on the chart, when there are both cryptocurrencies and stocks being displayed, there will be days for which the stock price is not available (since they are not traded on weekends or holidays) but the cryptocurrency price is available. In such cases, the chart will show a gap in the stock price but the cryptocurrency price will be continuous. This is normal.

Currently, the earliest date for which data is available is 2016-01-01. This is something I'm working on fixing but it's pretty hard to find data providers that won't charge me an arm and a leg. There's currently about 500 or so symbols being tracked on the website. You can filter by type (stock or crypto) and sort by various metrics. If you have any suggestions for new metrics or filters, contact me using the link above.

Thanks for checking out the website. I hope you find it useful ♥️

- Rohan


This website and its contents are for informational purposes only, and none of it is intended to constitute, or constitutes, financial advice or a recommendation or inducement to enter into any transaction. The data displayed on this website includes data taken from external sources and no guarantee or warranty is provided as to its accuracy, reliability, availability or safety. If you choose to make use of any of the information displayed on this website, you do so entirely at your own risk - assetsrank.com is not responsible for any losses suffered by any party in connection with that use, including trading losses. No material present on this website constitutes an endoresement, guarantee or reccomendations of any platform, project, currency or other third party. You should carry out your own due diligence in regards to any third party services.